Cereal as a Snack...
Cereal as a snack is certainly not an original idea. Most children home from school in the afternoon discovered it long ago. Individual cereal bits have been turning up in "potpourri" type snack mixes for decades.
The other night while looking for a snack food I happened upon a product called "Quaker SnackMix, a lone bag of it some grocery customer had dropped on some other snack product's shelf space (the one that starts with a "G"). Since I hadn't seen this one before I purchased it.
At home I tried the new snack mix and found it unremarkable except for one thing. There were these wonderful tasting little rectangular cereal morsels appearing to be like a shredded wheat product but much denser in composition. Reading the ingredients of the snack I learned these were called "Quaker Oatmeal Squares". I resolved to purchase a box of that cereal if it existed.
This morning I found some in the cereal section of the Shop-n-save. It's expensive though ($ 5.00 for a 16 oz box).
Anyway, I'm happily sitting here chewing on this stuff as I write..