Technical Upgrade...
We did some technical upgrading this past week. Some voluntary, some we hadn’t planned on but we’re pleased with the result.Now one of my laptops has VISTA Home Premium Edition installed. Unfortunately my old unreliable since Comcast came RCA wireless modem/router refused to recognize the “VISTAized computer.
I decided to bite the bullet and purchase a new cable modem and router.
After setting up a new secure wireless network I added a “sling box” and now have full cable tv in both laptops, meaning I can take my cable service with me anywhere I can connect to a wireless broadband hotspot.
The new modem and router also nearly tripled my measured download speed, meaning I’m no longer plugging along at a rate slower than the average Japanese school kid as I had been since Comcast took over Adelphia.
I hope to be writing more than I have in recent months now that I’ve made the computer fun again.