Saturday, November 26, 2005

Arkansas Birding...

Rare bird enthusiasts have descended on Eastern Arkansas this weekend in search of the elusive ivory billed woodpecker. Called "birders" by conservationists and scientists these zealots each hope to be the one who spots the rare woodpecker thought for decades to be extinct until 21 months ago.
The ivory billed is the largest North American woodpecker, 30 % bigger than your run of the mill woodpecker...almost as large as a crow.
Environmental conditions in the Arkansas wetlands have prevented the hunt until now when the fall weather has reduced the overhead foliage and caused the retreat of poisonous snakes from the swamp. The best possible scenario would be for the searchers to find and record a nesting pair of these birds.
In February of 2004 a kayaker reported seeing one of these rare woodpeckers leading to the renewed interest.
The US Postal Service this year issued a $ 15.00 stamp to commemorate this bird.
It is both beautiful and magnificent. I can see why “birders” get so excited about it


At 9:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

it indeed is beautiful.


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