Googling Oneself...
This morning in a moment of madness I googled my real name. As I have a relatively common name there were over 17 million results in .3 seconds. (that little tidbit of technological wizardry amazed me.) Since I am too lazy to go beyond the first two pages I had to get more specific. So I typed in the one event in my life from which I got my “fifteen minutes” and there were 4000+ references but I quickly discovered I am only the first one. At the time of said event I appeared on the NBC nightly News, several PM magazine type telecasts and dozens of radio and print interviews for several months afterward. During my subsequent life I have received three different plaques for my effort. I learned this morning that someone who never interviewed me wrote a book about it which I will now have to obtain. Anyway, all of that long preceded the public use of the internet.I have been experimenting with “dog pile” which claims to be a search engine which combines google, yahoo and jeeves. So far I’m not impressed although I am in 3 of 61 references on it.
I’ll let you know when jipzeecab becomes a searchable word..